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Whether you’re attending the golf outing or not, we’ve got the perfect event for you! We’ll be live-streaming our helicopter ball drop. 1000 numbered golf balls will be flown up in a helicopter above a particular hole with a volunteer inside, and they will dump all of the balls onto the green. The three closest balls will win $3000, $1500, and $750!


To keep everybody safe, you can purchase several tickets on the website. However many you purchase we will send an email shortly after with pictures of your tickets with the corresponding number on the tickets for the corresponding numbers on the golf balls.

Helicopter Ball Drop Tickets


    Thank You To Our Sponsors!

    Volkswagen - Sponsor of The Drew Crew
    The Carpet Guys - Sponsor of The Drew Crew
    Lume - Sponsor of The Drew Crew
    Waterfall Jewelers - Sponsor of The Drew Crew
    Unite Digital - Sponsor of The Drew Crew
    Stream - Sponsor of The Drew Crew
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